Sunday, November 06, 2022

Sunday Church Thoughts


1. I'm grateful to be able to watch church services online.
2. I'm grateful to be in a warm trailer on this cold day.
3. I'm grateful my trailer furnace still works.
4. I'm grateful that I have hope for the future.
5. I'm grateful that I have a warm cup of coffee here.
Plan for the day:
1. Watch a sermon on YouTube (Calvary Chapel NM).
2. Fill out that form.
3. Paint something.
4. Read more in my books.
5. Cook all the carrots.
Currently reading:
1. Crazy Love, by Francis Chan
2. Amazing Grace, by Eric Metaxas
3. The Moon Spinners by Mary Stewart
4. The Screwtape Letters, by CS Lewis
5. The Bible at 30,000 Feet, by Skip Heitzig
6. Adventuring Through the Bible, by Ray Stedman

Here's how my day is going:

I like to wait until the sermon is over, then replay it on YouTube. That way if there something I don't understand I can stop the recording and back it up to re-listen.  I can't do that with a livestream.

I prefer to worship at home because I'm an introvert, I don't like being in crowds, there isn't a church in this tiny town that I really want to be in, and I'm having some physical problems that keep me from wanting to be out there. I've had plantar fasciitis all year long and so walking isn't something I can do a lot of without making it worse. The more I walk, the more likely it is that my foot will be in pain.

I'm so grateful we have the technology to be able to watch church services at home. I also have fellowship opportunities at home through online small groups and Bible studies, using Zoom or Facetime.

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