Thursday, September 15, 2022

Mistakes Made; Lessons Learned


1. I am grateful that I'm exploring new art supplies.
2. I am grateful I did some Bible study early in the day.
3. I am grateful I posted a new video on my art channel for the first time in over two years.
Plan for the day:
1. Prepare for Juanita's connect group.
2. Paint more with ink.
3. Fix the picture and photograph it.
Currently reading:
1. Bible study: Acts 14 and 15.
2. Adventuring Through the Bible, Ray Stedman, Galatians
3. Write Like a Writer
4. Driving Miss Norma, penultimate chapter
5. Evelina, volume 3 continued

It is disappointing to be in the middle of a filmed art project and make a mistake, but... it is also educational. How can the mistake be fixed? Art mistakes often can be and I try to think positive. Also, we learn from our mistakes, do we not?

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