Friday, April 17, 2020

Blast From the Past: The Long Bicycle Ride in 2014

In 2014 I wanted to ride a bicycle from the Washington state line to the end of the trail on the far side of Lake Coeur d'Alene... and after months of training, I did it. I should do it again. Bikey is still here - in my living room. Needs air in the tires and I'll be ready to go again.

Bible verses of the day:

"And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight— if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven..." - Colossians 1:21-23


1. I'm grateful to have this blog to write in each day.

2. I'm grateful to have a beautiful and natural front yard.

3. I'm grateful for the two cats Mary and Steven left here for me.

Plan for the day:

1. Prayer. ✓

2. Read the Bible. ✓

3. Mow the lawn - with Aaron's help. ✓

Quote of the day:

"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." ― Toni Morrison

Currently reading:
1. Lonesome Dove, chapter 91.

2. Abandoned Parents: The Devil's Dilemma, page 79 out of 96

3. Ramona, by Helen Hunt Jackson, a classic, page 160 out of about 350... reading on my Kindle

4. In The Pray For America Bible - Joshua 1/24, Psalm 79/150, Proverbs 12/31, Luke 19/24

5. Wild Women, Wild Voices, by Judy Reeves, page 41/223

In the news:

Amid the pandemic: The calming power of a simple walk

Insight of the day:

I need a challenge.. and for now it is the 4 mile walk video. I wrote this at a forum I write at a lot:

I discovered that I do better at getting things done when I set myself a specific challenge and get serious about doing things that will advance me toward whatever the goal is. For example - in 2014 I wanted to ride my bicycle from the Washington state line to the end of the North Idaho Centennial Trail. Picture this - one out of shape old woman with no bike riding skills, getting on a bike... and struggling. At first I could not go up I couldn't ride far and I often had to get off and push the bicycle. But I continued to practice and by October 4 that year, I took the bike ride and fulfilled my goal. I rode 37 miles that day. Painful! But I did it. I have videos to prove it.

Another goal - I wanted 100 videos on my YouTube Booktube channel. Now I've got 200+. Lots of work involved and many hours of learning video skills, and I don't get paid for this - it is all a hobby. This month I finally got to 500 subscribers on that channel, which I started in 2014. Slow growth... but still a hobby I enjoy as it is great fun to find a community of people who like to talk about books.

So all this came to mind today because I need exercise, and since I'm in isolation I can't "climb the hill" which is a mile-long uphill trail called the Town Trail here. I did climb the hill in early March, so yes, I can do it... but I don't want to because of C19 right now. So I have an old workout video called "Walk Away the Pounds" with Leslie Sansome - it is a 4 mile walk video. And I thought it would be cool if I challenged myself to be able to do that 4 mile walk again. Now, recently I used the video and got to 1 mile, then quit. So I want to increase my miles until I get back to where 4 miles is easy for me - and that can all be done in my living room. Also, maybe now that we're all wearing masks around town, I'll feel more confident about going to hike the Town Trail again. That is such great exercise. Meanwhile, the 4 mile walk is my challenge.

Poem of the day:

a turtle winner
slightly quietly slowly
so confidently

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