Saturday, July 04, 2020

The Mop Bucket

Yesterday I got the mop bucket I ordered. This is a big commercial quality mop bucket - the one I've always wanted. Why? Because it is easy to use, easy to move from one room to another, and it gets the job done. I'm 67 now, and feeling too old to deal with mop buckets that are small and ineffective, that leave you with a mop that needs to be wrung out and cleaned at the end. Enough already. I got this one:

A big industrial quality mop bucket on big strong wheels.

Unfortunately the heavy duty commercial quality mop I ordered is lost in transit. Maybe I'll get it today. I don't know. Last I saw, the tracking data said they received it in Oakland on the day it was originally supposed to be delivered. I'm sure it will arrive eventually, and to be honest, I'm not in that much of a hot hurry to mop floors.

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