Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I'm Walking Without Pain Again

My foot no longer hurts! After seven months of foot pain and no walking or bike riding, I finally got to see a doctor a few days ago. He identified my malady as an inflamed tendon and gave me an anti-inflammatory shot. It feels good enough to be a miracle.

This evening after the Wednesday Bible studies I decided to walk downstairs. I walked around the outside of the building and checked my mail, then walked up the stairs on the other end of the building. No elevator this time.

It seriously feels like I'm being given a second chance at life. No longer am I forced to spend most of my time at home on my chaise lounge.

I'm still loving the chaise lounge, but it just feels good to be able to walk freely again... something like being reborn. It is an awesome feeling and believe me, I know how lucky I am. So many people don't get that chance to walk again.

Anyhow, it has been a good day with good friends, and I am happy.

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