Hi everyone. I want to post a quick update on what I'm doing these days.
I'm working on transforming my main blog into a book review blog - It is here: Linda Jo Martin. This means I'm reading a lot and I need to start posting book reviews there.
I've been inventorying all my books - to see what I can review, and what I need to read. I have less than 500 books - in fact, it is looking more like around 300. I'll know the true count soon.
I have had a problem with paper clutter for years. I tossed out a lot of my paper clutter in 2013 when I moved from Happy Camp, CA to Northern Idaho. However - I am collecting more. I've set up a table in my office for filing, and am making progress on battling the paper tiger. (I love that book.)
Every morning I get up and make coffee then pray and read the Bible. Then I move into my home office and vote, vote, vote for people on the Free Charity Cars website. I am desperate for a car and it has to be donated from someone in my local area... so I'm devising ways to advertise. This is somewhat hindered by my lack of a car. There are a lot of needy people, families, students, seniors, workers, disabled and sick people, and more, who are unable to buy a car and have therefore fallen out of society, in many ways. If you have an extra car you don't need, please consider a donation at 1-800-Charity Cars, where 94% of all donations are passed along to the people who need cars. They use 3% for administration and another 3% for advertising.
While voting, I listen to podcasts. Right now I'm listening to all of ProBlogger's podcasts. They are so inspiring for those of us who blog.
Today, Thursday, I have a group of friends coming over for our weekly women's Bible study. Always a wonderful time... We're currently studying a book called Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets.
I walk. I ride my bicycle.
I took my A to Z marketing articles off this blog and am reposting them over at Write Web Now.
Well, that's enough for today.
The photo at the beginning of this post is one I took while out walking.
Until later - happy blogging!
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