Monday, April 03, 2023

It Is Monday and I'm Still Happy About Sunday


1. I'm grateful I got to paint this picture with acrylic inks. It is called Tambourine Girl.
2. I'm grateful to be alive for a new day!
3. I'm grateful to be close to God today.
4. I'm grateful to have a warm cup of English Breakfast tea next to me.
5. I'm grateful for this Blogger.Com blogging website. I've been using it for years.... since about 2001 I believe.
Plan for the day:
1. Work on my tax return.
2. Complete another chapter in the workbook about the book of James.
3. Check my email for another email from the shed builder.
4. Open the mail I picked up a few days ago.
5. Get more water out of the van to bring into the trailer.
Currently reading:
1. Life Lessons From the Book of James by Max Lucado
2. Adventuring Through the Bible by Ray Stedman
3. The Healing Light by Agnes Sanford
4. The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
5. An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser
6. Ireland a Novel by Frank Delaney

Here's how my day is going:
Honestly, I've just woken up and made my first cup of tea so there's not much to say yet. I enjoyed being at church again yesterday. During the last year I was "attending" through Calvary Chapel Albuquerque as they have a special service for online viewers and they also provide "Connect Groups" that are held online, so through Zoom we can meet and have Bible studies and pray for one another. That was a great option... but I recently dropped my Connect Group as the original leader left and I wasn't happy with the direction the group was going in. Then Pastor Skip started preaching a new series about the End Times and for whatever reason, this is not something I wanted to hear about. I found out that one of the Idaho churches I attended was studying the book of James and I thought about watching their worship services when suddenly, out of the blue, my granddaughter asked me to attend the neighborhood church with her. I believed it was God's way of calling me back to the church so I went there yesterday and found out they have a Bible study on Wednesdays about the book of James! So, thank you God. It was nice to be there again. I left last year because of health concerns including plantar fasciitis which kept me grounded most of last year. But that's healed now, so it was time to go back.

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