Friday, March 25, 2011

Small Business Web Design

A few years back, in 2002 or 2003, I started a web design business. At the time I was so sure that was the ideal business for me. I loved web design! I'd been making websites since 1995. I love HTML. In fact, before I started my business I purchased and read a book on HTML cover to cover, and enjoyed it. I wanted to make sure my information and skills were top-notch before I started working for clients.

Well, guess what! After a few years of working as a web designer, getting more jobs than I could comfortably enjoy doing, I burned out. I finally had to admit to myself that although I love web design and HTML, CSS, and XHTML ... I don't love working for clients! My love of web design is for making my own sites, being creative, and doing my own thing.

I totally had to re-think that business! One thing I changed was my web design website, Klamath Design. I made it into a site for telling people how to get into the web design business. I made an auxiliary page called How to Start a Webdesign Business. I know there are lots of people out there who want to start web design businesses, and hope my experience can help. Hopefully they will enjoy it a whole lot more than I did! Different strokes for different folks, as they say!

So, why did I start a new business and put "web design services" into my business license application? My new business, LJ Martin Web, is mainly an online marketing type of business. I've created something that will cover ALL my online money-making activities, which at this time are really quite varied. One of my main interests is in helping people learn to start their own internet-based small businesses. This has worked so well for me, I very much want to show others, stay-at-home-moms especially, how to get started.

I added the "web design services" option to my business license because I wanted the OPTION to be able to do that as part of my business - just in case someone I know needs help. I believe the best online businesses include diversification, and so I'm allowing myself the choice to do web design if I decide I want to.

Now, for this year, I honestly don't want to. Maybe next year that will change.

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