Friday, April 16, 2004

Ta-Done! Lots of Things . . .

It is 4 and here's what I've done today:

woke up at 10 due to having a long bout of insomnia last night;

journaled less than a page;

cleared a multitude of spam emails out and downloaded email;

contacted 2 clients;

referred a grieving parent to an activist near him;

contacted an online shopping service that let me down after taking my money (first time that ever happened!);

contacted the county assessor's office about business property;

did financial paperwork (always so much fun... not);

went on errands to the post office, pharmacy and grocery store;

phoned the tribe and got told to phone back on Monday;

approved messages for a mailing list I manage;

ate lunch;

updated three pages on this website (Linda's Life).

Now I have to get to work on a client's site.

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